Lesson 1

Key Word: Foreshortening

When you draw in 3-D, you create a visual illusion.  By distorting images you make them appear three-dimensional even though your drawing surface is flat.

Foreshortening makes one part of an object appear closer than another.  To understand this, take a coin between your thumb and index finger.  Hold it directly toward you so it forms a circle.  Now, tilt the coin away from you until it looks like this:

 Foreshortening Samples
Voila!  A foreshortened circle!  Foreshortening makes any drawing surface appear three-dimensional!

Happy Birthday Cake

Step 1

Draw two dots along an imaginary horizontal line that is parallel to the top of your paper.
Drawing Step 1

Step 2

Now, draw a curved line to connect them as shown.
Drawing Step 2

Step 3

Turn your paper upside down and draw the same curved line again between the two dots.
Drawing Step 3

Step 4

Draw two straight vertical lines of equal length downward from the same two dots.
Drawing Step 4

Step 5

At the bottom of the vertical lines you just drew, draw another curved line like you did on the top BUT make the curve bigger.  Why?  Because this curved surface is closer to you and you are creating the illusion of surface.
Drawing Step 5

Step 6

To give our drawing a reference point and to make the cake appear to be sitting on a table, draw two straight lines as shown.  These lines are actually a continuous line you can't see because it designates the edge of the table which is BEHIND the cake.
Drawing Step 6

Step 7

Now the really creative part comes in.  You can draw as many "extras" as you want.  Use your imagination!  That's the whole idea.
Drawing Step 7

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